Eddie Guerrero 1967-2005

Eddie Guerrero 1967-2005
Eddie Guerrero 1967-2005

Sunday, September 26, 2010

News and Notes - Mickie James, X Division Title, Hart, Gonzales, Paul Bearer Lives!

Back again with trending topics!

Of course, the current talk of the town in the wrestling world at the moment is the surprise return of Paul Bearer to Smackdown this past Friday. The last time we saw him was at the Great American Bash 2004, in which the Undertaker killed him off by burying him in the concrete crypt, at the time ending his legendary run in pro wrestling. I am personally thrilled to see this man back and involved once again with the Undertaker and Kane feud over a decade after he made it famous. Welcome back Paul Bearer!

Mickie James has reportedly signed with TNA. This is no surprise to attentive fans of the former Women's Champion, as she has been rumored to have been joining the company ever since her release this past April. We'll see what the future has in store for this great lady wrestler.

Night Of Champions Results and Notes

Welcome back to Ringside Reflections. In our first post since Night of Champions, much has happened in the WWE.
Four new champions were crowned this past Sunday. Let's get to those results.

Dolph Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston to retain the Intercontinental title.

As predicted, Dolph was able to keep the title with the help of Vickie Guerrero.

Big Show defeated CM Punk

I was surprised to see Big Show go over CM Punk, but it seems that these days Punk is just a mid card bad guy. The Straight Edge Society seems to be falling apart, but I believe this can only mean good things for CM Punk.

Daniel Bryan defeats the Miz for the United States Championship

I was very surprised and very excited at the same time to see Daniel Bryan win the US Title s soon after his surprise return. I expected the Miz to get the better of him for a few months before Bryan inevitably won the gold. Nevertheless, he beat the Miz in a solid match to continue this intense feud into the coming months.

Michelle McCool beat Melina to unify the Women's and Divas Titles

There is now only one true female champion in WWE. Michelle McCool now owns both titles after beating Melina in a Lumberjill match with the help of her partner Layla.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Predictions: WWE Night of Champions

Welcome to the second installment of Ringside Reflections. Today's post will introduce a new feature I plan to continue as this blog goes on. With WWE's only PPV this month, Night of Champions, taking place tonight, I thought I'd start there. We'll analyze the lineup, predict a winner, and see how it holds up after the PPV. So without further ado, here we go:

This show's theme is championship matches. All current WWE championships will therefore be defended on tonight's card. All matches are advertised as of this writing.

I suppose the right place to start is with the undercard:

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Kofi Kingston
No, that's not a mistake. This match is indeed scheduled to happen yet again. After their numerous encounters on Smackdown as well as their match at last month's PPV that was interrupted by Nexus, this pairing is beginning to wear thin. While these two have definitely been able to put on several good matches in the past, this storyline has evolved past the wrestling and is now more focused on Ziggler's relationship with Vickie Guerrero than anything else. The story here is simple: Dolph took Kofi's belt with Vickie's help, continued to screw over Kofi in each title defense after that, and now Kofi is really at the boiling point. Because of the way those last encounters went down, there is a stipulation in place that if Dolph is counted out or disqualified, Kofi will win back his title. Classic stipulation that has stirred up much championship controversy in he past. Personally, I don't think that Ziggler has had a strong enough reign to drop the title yet.
Prediction: Dolph Ziggler wins by the skin of his teeth. Vickie helps but narrowly gets away with it, allowing Ziggler to get the pin or submission.

WWE United States Championship: The Miz (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Wow. What a year it's been for Bryan Danielson. In just seven months, he has gone from a favorite on NXT, to a feud with Miz and Michael Cole, to taking it too far during the Nexus angle leading to his release, finding success once again on the indies where he truly shines, only to shockingly return triumphantly as the final member of Team WWE at Summerslam. And now the match we all saw coming will finally happen tonight, and it's for a championship. Miz has grown so much over the last two years. Not only are his mic skills awesome, but he has grown tremendously in the ring as well. This has the potential to steal the show. While so much more can be said about this match, there is much more to cover.
Prediction: The Miz manages to steal an upset after one hell of a fight from Bryan. This feud must continue, and Daniel Bryan's continued hunt for revenge is the perfect driving factor behind this program.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ringside: The Best Seats in the House!

Welcome to the very first post of Ringside Reflections, a new blog covering all topics sports-entertainment! My name is Big Johnny Badd, and throughout these posts, I'll be discussing the latest in professional wrestling, covering everything from the big boys, including WWE, TNA, and ROH, to the smaller indy promotions, specifically those in the New York area. We'll be discussing major headlines to come out of the wrestling world, as well as commenting on current storylines and angles playing out on television. Comments are encouraged, though please keep the discussion on topic.

First, here's a little about me. I have been following the art of professional wrestling for over a decade. I grew up with the famous "Attitude" era of the then WWF and have enjoyed a healthy obsession with all forms of pro wrestling ever since. I watch WWE and TNA just about every week, as well as attend various independent shows throughout the Long Island area. I attend WWE shows when they come to the area as well, including those at Madison Square Garden as well as the Nassau Colisseum. I have been keeping up on the backstage side of the business for many years now, and continue to love suspending my disbelief every week when I watch wrestling programming. In addition to being an active fan, I also have several friends in the business. I love supporting them at their shows as well as helping critique the match afterward. I consider myself a buff on recent WWE history, and can even name every winner of the Royal Rumble in order (without Wikipedia!).

With that said, the purpose of this blog is to find a home for my love of all things professional wrestling. We'll analyze, discuss, and attempt to provide some educated insight on all happenings in the wrestling world. Whether you're a proud member of the WWE Universe, TNA Galaxy, or just like to catch the occasional Goldust match, you'll find something that interests you as this blog grows. So, without the annoyance of ordering overpriced tickets, finding parking in an overcrowded lot, and being forced to pay prices at the concession stand that even "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase would find outrageous, simply log on, sit back, and enjoy a ringside seat with none of the hassle. This is Ringside Reflections, where you've got the best seat in the house!